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Suburb Houses


Here's a list of our inspection services. Feel free to ask us about additional types of inspections. We perform all of our inspections according to the Inspection Standards of Practice.

residential home inspector logo


A home is probably the biggest purchase you’ll ever make, so it’s important to understand the condition of your investment. I’ll provide a non-invasive evaluation of the home’s accessible structure, systems and components. While a home inspection can’t reveal every concern that exists, it will significantly reduce your anxiety by arming you with the knowledge you need to make an informed home-buying decision.

annual home maintenance inspections


Especially if you’re a new homeowner, an Annual Home Maintenance Inspection can help you understand and plan for the demands of maintaining your home properly. Some tasks are seasonal, and some items require more frequent attention. Let me help you start on the path of responsible homeownership by identifying any issues, and educating you about what should be done each year to keep your home in top condition. Even if you’re a veteran homeowner, my inspection can verify whether your home’s maintenance is sufficient, or whether any problems have developed during the past year. 

move in inspection


Our Move-In Inspections provide a comprehensive assessment of your new home before you settle in. Our expert inspectors thoroughly examine the property, documenting any existing damages or issues. By conducting these inspections, we ensure that you have a clear understanding of the condition of the property before you move in. Our detailed reports serve as valuable documentation for potential repairs or claims. Trust us to provide peace of mind and a smooth transition with our thorough Move-In Inspections.

pool and spa certified inspector


Ensure a safe and functional pool or spa with our inspections. We thoroughly assess structure, equipment, water quality, and safety features. Identify issues like leaks or faulty equipment. Our detailed reports offer recommendations for repairs or maintenance. Trust us for comprehensive Pool and Spa Inspections, providing a safe and enjoyable experience. 

septic inspection InterNACHI Certified


Maintain a healthy septic system with our inspections. We assess the tank, pipes, and drain field for damage, leaks, and blockages. Prevent costly failures and protect groundwater quality. Our reports provide repair and maintenance recommendations. Trust us for comprehensive Septic Tank Inspections, ensuring proper functioning and wastewater management.



Our Roof Inspection service evaluates your property's roof, ensuring its condition, integrity, and functionality. Our experts meticulously examine materials, structure, and components for damage, leaks, or deterioration. With our detailed assessment and recommendations, you gain peace of mind, make informed decisions, and protect your home's long-term durability.

certified plumbing inspector


Our Plumbing Inspection ensures the condition, functionality, and safety of your property's plumbing system. Our experts thoroughly assess pipes, fixtures, drains, water supply, and more. We identify issues like leaks, blockages, and improper installations while ensuring compliance with codes. Our detailed report helps you make informed decisions and maintain a reliable plumbing system, avoiding costly repairs and water damage.

Electrical Inspection


Our Electrical Inspections provide a comprehensive assessment of your home's electrical system, ensuring safety and efficiency. Our expert inspectors examine wiring, outlets, panels, and other components, identifying potential hazards, outdated systems, or code violations. By conducting these inspections, we help prevent electrical fires, shocks, and system failures. Our detailed reports provide actionable recommendations for repairs or upgrades. Trust us to keep your home's electrical system reliable and secure, providing peace of mind for you and your family.

Chimney Inspector


Ensure your chimney's safety and functionality with our expert Chimney Inspections. We thoroughly examine structure, ventilation, and integrity, identifying hazards and issues to prevent fires, carbon monoxide leaks, and damage. Our detailed reports offer actionable recommendations for repairs and maintenance. Trust us for a secure home and peace of mind.

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